Today Was Supposed to Be My Wedding Day

Today Was Supposed to Be My Wedding Day.

I am thankful for the courage and honesty this young woman shows in telling her story. I cannot imagine the difficulty of the path she’s chosen over the past year, but I am encouraged by her obedient resolve and desire to honor God in her life, and by the God-given comfort she’s found in that obedience.

Though not under the same circumstances, God also used a visit to a Presbyterian church my sophomore year in college to change my life, and its pastor had no small part in that.

2 thoughts on “Today Was Supposed to Be My Wedding Day

  1. Thanks for posting this, Robert! I ran across your blog after seeing a post you had on someone’s facebook page…or something…you know how that goes. You get to clicking and all of a sudden you’re on someone else’s facebook, and whatever.
    This was a great article, and it reminds me of my own “wedding day that should have been” way back in 2004. Decisions like this are painful (especially when they are made FOR you, as was my case) but so, SO necessary. When you ask God to take control, and to line your beliefs and wishes up with His, you get what you ask for. Sometimes the decisions are difficult to make, but the rewards of following a greater plan tend to blow your mind in the end. And I have found that God always graciously supplies all the peace you need. God also used a Presbyterian church in college to reach me and help mold my life to His.

    Rachel (Hussey) Boldman

    1. Robert

      Hi Rachel! So good to hear from you, and thank you for sharing. I am glad and encouraged that you see and love the working of the Lord in your life. You’re right: it is mind blowing when his sovereign plans come to fruition, and though it is difficult to walk through them at times we are always the beneficiaries of them in the end. He is a good Father.


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